Well first let me apologise for my absence over the last couple of days...I knew it would be impressive if I actually managed to blog a Christmas idea every day!! I have been racing around decorating a party on Saturday, a wedding yesterday and a gorgeous engagement photo shoot today at Stancliffe Hall. Keep checking back for photos as I guarantee they will be amazing as they were taken by my fabulous friend Jade Alana! It was a Tuscany inspired shoot (yes I know it's the middle of winter...and there is snow on the hills up in Matlock...and the couple nearly froze to death)...but I promise you'll feel a touch of the Italian sun when you see it! But I'm back now with another Christmas offering...this time, fruits and flowers in modern cube vases. I used white avalanche roses in 2 cubes and some plum and pink tone glittered and glass fruit decorations in 2 cubes but you could use any colour combination that you like (within reason!!) Let me know what you think!
Hopefully I'll manage to blog a little more inspiration tomorrow in between cleaning my very neglected house and decorating it for Christmas!! See you then!x