Christmas Inspiration #11...Oranges & Cloves...

10 days to go...I get a countdown every morning from my kids, just in case I didn't know! We are in full swing of Christmas fairs, school plays, shopping, baking and all that lovely stuff!! I am trying to get my life a little more organised so I was impressed when I won a weekly planner at the school fair for a family of six...these things are never produced for a family of six!! Prizes are always for a family of four...holidays are always for a family of four...meal deals are always for a family of you may be able to tell this is quite an irritation to me!!! Needless to say I am very happy with my new planner! The only thing I can't get organised right now is my Christmas table! I see all these lovely ideas and make lots of different things but now I can't decide what I like the most!! It's quite a dilemma! I'll let you know...
But in the meantime, here's another offering and it smells divine. Oranges and cloves arranged on different sized cakestands with a little bit of greenery make such a simple but effective decoration. Let me know what you might want to use a skewer to make the cloves push in easier or risk a very sore thumb if you push them straight in like I did!!!

I'd love to hear how you're decorating your Christmas table! Happy Thursday!