Catching up...

So I know I have been very slack recently with my blogging but I intend to make amends and catch up on a few events I have been part of over the winter. My daughter has actually put me to shame by setting herself a New Year challenge to blog every day for the next year and so far she has stuck with it. Check it out at Forgive me if I fail but the thought was there! The truth is I am not best friends with my children regularly mock me for my poor computer skills and the fact that I would rather write out my blog on paper first before committing it to this screen!! I am old school, I know!! To be honest I would be more at home typing away on my old typewriter that my grandmother gave me! Interestingly, my clients now want to hire that same typewriter for their 'vintage' weddings which really says it all. What can I say, I am vintage through and through!